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The overall wellbeing of our clients and employees is what matters most to us.

Below outlines Your Health Navigator's response to COVID-19.

19th of January 2023


The below information outlines our management measures in relation to Coronavirus (COVID-19).


We write to update you on our management measures in relation to Coronavirus (COVID-19). Your Health Navigator (YHN) continue to deliver in-home services to our clients. We are frequently reviewing health alerts and updates and are committed to informing you if changes to our current services are required. We continue to screen clients on admission and prior to each in-home visit. Our staff receive regular training in infection prevention and control and are also screened prior to each shift to confirm they are fit to work. All clinical staff are wearing Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) at each in home visit. Use of PPE significantly reduces the risk of exposure and transference of the virus. Our aim is to keep our clients, their families and staff at YHN safe.


There are a number of protective measures against the virus that we are asking all clients to follow during this time, which include:

  • If you, or another person who will be present during a YHN in-home visit, are experiencing symptoms of the virus such as fever (a temperature of 37.5°C or higher) or chills, cough, loss of taste or smell, sore throat, tiredness (fatigue), runny or blocked nose, shortness of breath (difficulty breathing), nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea, headache, muscle or joint pain and/or loss of appetite, you advise a YHN staff member as soon as possible. Clinicians will seek further guidance before entering your home;

  • If you, or another person who will be present during a YHN in-home visit have tested positive to COVID-19 in the last 7 days, advise a YHN staff member as soon as possible. Clinicians will seek further guidance before entering your home; and

  • If you, or another person who will be present during a YHN in-home visit is waiting on the results of a Coronavirus (COVID-19) test you advise a YHN staff member as soon as possible. Clinicians will seek further guidance before entering your home.


There is current evidence that suggests the virus is spread from person to person via droplet transmission. Droplet transmission occurs when infected droplets generated during coughing, sneezing and talking are propelled short distances through the air and enter the nasal or oral mucosa of another person. Droplets can also survive for periods of time on objects. It is important that everyone continues to stop the spread of the virus including:

  • Practicing good hygiene such as washing your hands frequently with soap and water (you can also use an alcohol-based hand rub);

  • Get vaccinated against COVID -19;

  • Stay at home if you are unwell;

  • Getting tested as soon as symptoms appear;

  • Maintaining a distance of 1.5 metres from others; and

  • Wearing a mask including during a YHN in-home visit.


We encourage you to stay informed by regularly checking the latest updates on the SA Health website


If you are generally unwell, please contact YHN on 1300 145 126 to discuss your in-home visit appointment.


Please take all the necessary precautions to stay healthy.






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